Frequently Asked Questions

A majority of the devices that we send are A/B grade. There are times where some devices come available that are below our typical grade level which we make available to our partners at a reduced rate.

We carry a wide variety of iPhone models ranging from the iPhone 7 all the way up to some of the newest devices. We do not offer Android devices at this time.

No, these devices come without cables, headphones, or boxes. This is strategically done so you are able to upsell your customer on all the high margin accessories to kit their new phone.

For new partners, we start off with a beginner box of approximately 5 devices. Once the initial devices start selling, we maintain inventory levels in your location(s) to match your sell through rates.

Yes, you can place one-off orders with us! We have numerous partners who have large one-off orders for commercial clients that we can help fulfill and others who prefer to own their inventory outright. Speak to your account executive for more details.

Yes, you sure can. You know your market, your customers, and your staff better than we do. As part of the onboarding process your account executive will gather information from you about which models you believe will sell best in your market. We can’t guarantee you will get everything you ask for but we will do our best to fulfill your requests.

Certified Cell offers a 30-day manufacturer's defect warranty. Meaning we cover anything funky that’s happening with the phones as long as they haven’t gone for a swim in the toilet or been physically damaged in any way.

These are used electronics - it certainly happens! If you’re a repair shop, we work with you to get the device repaired at cost so we don’t waste money shipping the phone back and forth. If you’re not a repair shop, we will pay to have that device shipped back to us as long as the device isn’t physically damaged.

For new partnerships, we conduct a 45-day introductory trial to determine the program fit between your store and Certified Cell. Our expectation for continued partnership beyond the trial, is minimum phone sales of 4 per month or 12 per calendar quarter – Don’t worry, we give you a buffer for the first month to get your feet under you plus, we have helped lots of repair and retail shops sell more phones so if you’re having trouble hitting those numbers, we are happy to work with you to boost your team’s phone selling skills!

Phone sales aren’t for everyone - we get that! If it’s not working out, no hard feelings. We are committed to doing everything possible to support you and your store to achieve the minimum threshold. If that’s not possible, we have you ship the phones back and you’re not liable or obligated to purchase them in any way.

Nope! You can cancel your agreement with Certified Cell at any time. We just ask that you let your account executive know so they can provide you with the return label to ship the device back to us. Once we have them back, we consider the agreement complete.

Of course - they want one you don’t have in inventory - it happens all the time! We typically have a significant number of devices available and would be more than happy to ship a one-off device to you with shipping baked into the price.

Absolutely! We do expect that our partners will give it a valiant effort to “sell what’s on the truck” since we did go through the discovery with each one to help decide which devices to carry in stock.

This is the million dollar question since it’s the one that’s most difficult to answer. Prices fluctuate all the time but we try to make sure we are in line with what wholesale prices tend to be. Will we be the cheapest wholesaler? No. That’s because you’re not paying out of pocket for your devices up front and we are taking all the risk on the inventory. That being said, we have partners all over the country and have a significant amount of buying power so we are typically able to get some incredible prices so our partners aren’t seeing too much of a lift.

For the most part the answer is yes. There are some instances where we are able to acquire locked devices at an extreme discount and our account managers will do our best to find out if you’re interested in those. If you are, please don’t wait for us to ask you, let us know because they’re typically less expensive.

Mark it up. We make it easy to know how much you’re going to be paying for a device in our portal; sell it for more than that! Some shops choose to only mark it up a little bit so they can sell more high margin accessories. Some shops mark the phones up a lot so they can try to make all their margin in the device. It’s totally up to you but the best practice is to get your customer comfortable with buying everything from you so maximizing the margin on the phone might prevent them from buying other items.

We have our margin baked into the price of the phone that you see on your portal.

Once we have gone through the onboarding process, we will have established a direct ACH relationship with your business. Once you process the phone as sold in the system, we give a 48-hour buffer before we pull payment for that amount just in case the customer gives you cash or you need the funds to clear your account.

We don’t charge you anything up front. We believe in the value of the Certified Cell program and we know your store will experience a significant revenue lift from the program. After the 45-day trial period, we charge a $99 a month network subscription fee per location which we are confident you will make back in one transaction. We will also waive the fee for any month that your location sells 8 devices.